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Old 09-22-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: Touchflo 3 and Manilla 2D Questions

Touchflo 3d and touchflo 2d function the same way and both were developed by htc. 3d for the new high end of devices (touch pro, diamond, and hd) 2d for new low end devices (Opal). 3d is more graphically intense and looks more impressive, while 2d scales back any 3d graphics, as well as moving images to ease the restraint of having a device with less memory, slower processor, and/or different drivers. There are currently no version of 3d working for the vogue (or at least in a usable form.) If you are still wondering look up the youtube vids and see the difference. It is easily seen in the changing of clock time and the weather.

Also, Manila was the code name for Touch Flo 3d before its release. Use of Manila in conjunction with 2d was done after the fact.
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