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Old 09-22-2008, 02:40 PM
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Unhappy Sudden Affliction

I know it's kind of a long shot, but I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with this. Last night, something happened to my vogue; I'm not sure what. For some reason, the new e-mail indicator is stuck at 1, even though I don't have any new e-mails. Later, I tried to get into my contacts, and while iContact was still able to access them, the outlook contact manager won't load them. The speed of the phone has dropped drastically, and it locks up if I try to do certain things, like log onto Windows Live. I've tried to do some investigating as to the cause, and the only thing I haven't been able to adequately explore is that the task manager says that the "clocknot.exe" process consistantly takes up 70-99% of CPU usage.

I'm using the black vista rom (I forget the name of the guy who made it; but kudos to him.). I would just reflash the phone, but I'm kind of between computers right now, so it would be difficult to back up my personal data.

Hopefully, someone's seen something like this before. If you need to know anything else about it, just ask! Thanks in advance!