Originally Posted by Nagrom Nniuq
The Touch Pro is a huge brick. The HD is less than half the thickness of the Pro. Size wise the HD beats the Pro every time. People don't look for a skinny phone or a short phone, it's slim that counts for putting it in a pocket. Hence, the iPhone isn't too big for people.
LOL on the "huge brick" U didn't just say brick. It has to be "huge brick" LMAO. I agree thou. Most people look for the depth. That is why I was disappointed with the diamonds thickness. i know it's the battery, but I like the sexyness of the original design. and yeah iphone wasn't too big. And by the look of it, HD is slimmer than the iphone.
Iphone is longer and wider but HD has abigger screen. Simply because HTC eliminated unused space all around. Don't be decieved by Iphone depth. Iphone has an arch back that's why it looks slim. Same way they did with macbook air and the new nano. It's an optical illusion.
Edit: So I look up the depth and Iphone has 12.3 mm and HD has 12mm. So iphone is still a lil bit thick. YEah!