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Old 09-20-2008, 02:48 PM
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Re: (V)eGa's - How to create a basic theme - TUTORIAL

Originally Posted by slbailey1 View Post
I've downloaded and used ThemeGenCE 2.5 for the first time yesterday. I'm having one problem so far. When I change the Start Menu Text color(from white to black) it seems to work and show up correctly in the preview. But, when I create the theme and put it on my phone, the Start Menu text color is back to the default color, white. At the same time I've changed the Today text color to black and that appears correctly on my phone. How do I get the Start Menu text color change to appear on my phone?

Also, what should the dimensions for the Themes be? I'm picking the Theme format QVGA(P+L) with the dimensions of 240 X 290, 290 X 240.

Phone: Sprint Touch
OS: WM 6.1 (stock)
I suggest deleting your folder with TGenCE in it and re-installing it again to make sure you have all the settings at default. Also, QVGA is the way to go but you must save 4 images instead of 2. Another thing, Make sure there is a check mark next to the start menu text color. If not, it will not put that info in the theme.
-= MeGa =-

Yes, I have closed my site and I'm in the process of moving. I do have all of my themes still and will upload them on request here. The best part about the themes is they were perfectly on Windows 6.5 Romz.