Ok, re-read the thread you linked me to. Sounded like a good start. Went to the link for WinCE cab manager. D/L'ed it and and the other extractor only prog posted on the site. Ran the install exes for WinCE. Got a weird message about another program not finishing its installation and the WinCE cab manager wanting me to re-boot my PC. I complied cause I didn't know what else to do. Re-booted the PC. Ran the install again and I got the same message. Tried to install the other file from that site, the extractor only prog. Same thing happened. This time I became a little frustrated with those files and uninstalled whatever tried to install and deleted both the exe's. Did a google for cab creator programs and came up with BitZipper. The site for it totes it to do the same thing both of those progs would do in one. Went to my handy dandy torrent site and got a warez copy with a patch. Sorry not gonna risk posting the site here so don't ask me for it in the thread. Installed and it does what it says it will do. I did a test on the last version of AudioPara and it showed me the files inside. So I'm good to go on that as far as the cab extraction and put back together though I didn't test that part.
Question now is how do i arrange these cab extracts so they don't (and I'm guessing here, like I said still hunting for info) get jumbled up in the creation process and cause havoc when trying to install? Last thing I want is to create a cab that does nothing but a royal kcuf up on my brand new Titan. (Just got a new one from Sprint cause the screen on the refurb they sent me 3 months ago cracked.) I mean I have TEP but I don't have an extra $50 bills to give Asurion just lying around everytime something happens and even though I used to work for Sprint, I only know but so many loop holes in thier polcies and I've already used four or five in the last year and a half.
On a side note, took a step towards ROM cooking. Registered for PPCKitchen. Read most of what was there, downloaded everything I could get my mouse on that involved the Titan. Read a tutorial about cooking a ROM that was decent but still lacked some things for me like what files am I adding to the kitchen? The un extracted cabs, extracted cabs, OEM's? It's 0300 EST, to tired to figure it out right now.

Any help any one has is greatly appreciated. saumaun, I clicked the green for ya about the last post.