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Old 04-25-2007, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by JBabey

im having the same problem.... and i cant access my vid/mail at all just a tiny pic. and cant send pic/vid mail
how bizzare that people are still having issues. Im assuming the cab file was run properly to bring over the registry (to check go into add/remove programs, if it says Arcsoft MMS then the cab installed properly)

--so far as getting a small picture, there should also be an html link in the mms, if you click on that pie should open and bring you into your picmail. from there you can not only view it larger, but download the picture to your handset as well.

what is the error on sending vid? The only error i have recieved is the size limitation one, and i just went into the registry and increased the allowable size of the video the phone will allow me to send.

ill flash this on the demo when i get to work and run a few tests back and forth and see if i cant duplicate the issue so we can get this figured out.

in the interim, you may want to grab the FULL PPCGEEKS MMS cab file and install that over mine. That install has been around for over a year now and is proven to work and function properly (and its the same thing i made the OEM from....)

if you recieve a bizzare error, or something i may find useful for troubleshooting, use the screencap software and take a picture of it for me. You can get free photohosting at so you can embed it on the forum.

i dont know what im doing wrong to send pic/vid mail. ive followed your instructions... pls help me. dont get me wrong this rom is great, i just miss that function
did you run the appropriate cab file to import the registry?
verizon, you can either let your ext.rom customizations run OR if you have removed arcsoft from there... run the vzMMS-Registry.CAB

sprint, you must run the spMMS-Registry.CAB

in the download, there is a folder called Extended_ROM2... the file you need to run is in there. If you dont see it after you move it to your device its because the file is "hidden" attribute. Use resco to see hidden files, or remove the hidden attribute before moving it to the phone. (right click - properties - uncheck hidden at the bottom)

ok i was able to finaly send pic today.... i had done all of this before it just wasnt getting on the net to send pic/vid

i dont have pie on my phone and if its on the rom i didnt know this. what name is it filed under... if it is i feel realy stupid! but even before i upgraded to this rom i was able to see them
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