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Old 09-18-2008, 04:54 PM
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julius brtown
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Re: Touch Pro Coming out in 6 to 8 weeks

Originally Posted by ppcboi318 View Post
You would be surprised of how many people have smartphones and pdas and don't know the potential of what they have. The large percentage of people who buy these phones are either people who say "i have the money and it looks cool" or it's the business people who think having phones like these are symbol of me doing even more business. There are only a small percentage of people that know the true power of the phones before they buy them. That's where companies like verizon, sprint etc... capitalize off the wannabe cool or think i can do more business thinkers. The university i'm currently attending has me amazed at how little the kids around me know about technology. They have pdas like the xv6800, touch, tilt, but still know so little about them. These kids will sit their for hours during class playing games like solitaire. if only they knew of other games out there they could play.
You hit the head on the nail. This is the new future of PDA's almost no need for a home PC's. I remember my home pc in 1995 had the same specs as my xv6700.minus memory.look where we are now. lifes good and wireless!
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