Originally Posted by iclickjohn
Obviously there is a lot of speculation on HOW crippled the phones will be when they arrive. I'm not sure but it seems foolish to just guess. Where do these people get their info on less memory, no wifi, disabled features? Unless your in upper management at VZ how would you know?
You know how there are gadget shows and conferences around the world and the U.S. that we never hear of. It's has to do with the fact that we either don't live in the city where the majority of them take place or they are kept so silent that the general public don't know when they are being held. So any of the sites that you go to and they have any information can contain very reliable information. Boygeniusreport, engadget, pdadb and sites of this nature can be used as reliable sources, because they have attended these meetings or have reliable sources that know.