Originally Posted by elosogrande7076
first off great work to all who have been working on this. Ihave been following the threads for a bit and just now decided to try it out since i had to do a hard reset anyway (long story)....i installed the latest ts launcher cab and was wondering is there anything else i needed to do or install? when i tried certain buttons like ipod it gave me an error and kicked me out of the program....is there another program i need to run with it; is there a way i can make this my default interface, and last can i use this with anyone's rom (unified, BigJ...etc?) Thanks and sorry for all the question just really excited bout this and im trying to leran
When you click on the Ipod icon, it says it cannot locate ppod.exe. There are a couple buttons that are dependant upon you having certain other applications installed (like ppod). Just see what all of the buttons point too (what error they give), and make sure you have that program installed. To make it your default interface I am guessing you can just put a link to the .exe in your \windows\startup folder.