Originally Posted by drexappeal
Just thought I'd share this review from Business Week.
Pre-warning, it's not a very favorable review. For those of you that were in between getting a Touch Diamond or Touch Pro, this will give you some perspective on the on-screen keyboard (which seems to be the main focus of the review).
ill ignore that review since when i had my touch i was able to text easily and i could see what i was typing in the text field at all times so ill assume the diamond is the same if not better than its predecessor at doing what im already used to. As for entering passwords yea it was a let down at first but since i only had to do that ONCE to setup email it was pretty useless to make that a downfall, also i guess nobody told them u can landscape and text now so its ALOT easier. My assessment: Reviewer is a disgruntled employee with sausage fingers.