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Old 09-16-2008, 11:30 PM
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Windows Mobile and You!

(I posted the following at the Forum for Windows Mobile Experts. I was interested to see what this community thought regarding the same discussion.)

Hello all! I wanted to begin a discussion that, because you are on this site, forum and ultimately reading this, I believe I am posing to an already biased audience. But let's give it a shot anyway shall we?

Ultimately I want to know everyone's impression of their user experience with Windows Mobile: Standard, Professional, Version: 2003, 5, 6, 6.1, all of them!

We buy these devices, we tweak them, we add software, manipulate their user interfaces, enjoy tons of form factors from handfuls of different manufacturers, and contest that they make our lives easier.

I am here to ask: "Is Windows Mobile a truly enjoyable experience for you?"

Think of your answer in terms of someone asking you if you like the car you own. You can reference the repairs it needs, the upkeep it requires, the driving experience, the applicability of the car to your ever-evolving tastes. Is the car worth the work it needs? Does the drive justify the cost of the car? Etc.

Let's talk objectively about Windows Mobile! There are many other platforms from which to choose: Palm OS, Android, Symbian, and the iPhone OS. Why did we pick what we did? What are our reasons for choosing WM.

Ready? Set? GO!

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