Hidden/Missing Text
Hey fellas,
I have an issue that I KNOW there is a thread about on here, but I searched and searched and I could not find it. Here's what happened...
I turned the screen on to check something online and all off a sudden I get four text messages all saying the same time received. Clearly they were not all sent at various times over the course of the 20 minutes I didn't have the screen on and I was just receiving them all at once. This has happened once before. It gets weirder...
Then I get two more messages, one of which is a picture message. One of those messages disappeared, presumably the one that was not the picture message. Now I have it saying "1 Unread Message" on the main screen and it says there is 1 in the inbox, but it is not in the inbox.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated. I am very concerned if my text messaging isn't function properly as I text often (20+ a day).