Originally Posted by Fittske
When/how did you get two numbers for one order?
I got the ws-bbcc # minutes after the order, the next day I was viewing my account order history @ sprint.com, and saw an order # that began with DM. I was told that the ws-bbcc order # is the one that gets submitted from web sales, and it gives you your "estimated" final cost (with estimated taxes, etc). The other order number, that begins with DM, is the "finalized" order number, and reflects the final (with tax) price that you will be charged, or in my case, have billed to my account.
I spoke with someone in Executive Services about it yesterday, and they told me it has something to do with two different systems they use (I freaked out, because I thought someone placed a 2nd order on my account), after they explained it, I got it, I guess. Still really makes no sense, but since when has Sprint ever made sense.