Originally Posted by Mustang46L
Mine isn't exactly (out of the box) but only a few apps installed (Google Maps, Slingbox) and after about 12 hours after a soft rest I'm at 31.61 MB Storage free and 112.69 MB Program free.
BTW Opera seems to eat up the program memory QUICK if you don't close it when you are done using it.
If the Diamond comes with 192MB RAM, how can it already be down to 31.61MB free? I know the OS takes up some RAM and any running programs as well, but my Mogul only has 64MB RAM, yet, with the OS (WinMo 6.1) and maybe one other program running I have around 19MB memory left... paltry, true, but by comparison, shouldn't the Diamond have considerable more left over? Unless Diamond has a great deal more native stuff running to make it look slick... Just seems pretty disproportionate to me.