Originally Posted by jmorton10
You say "badly-behaved Windows Mobile apps", but they don't cause problem with any other apps we are running...
Sure, because those apps just throw their hands in the air and make it the customer's responsibility.
What we're doing is far harder for us and far better for the average customer. Even if given an option we know that 99%+ of them would use automatic media discovery exclusively, so that's our focus.
Originally Posted by jmorton10
I really don't understand why we can't either turn the scanning off totally (that would be my choice), or at the very least let the USER decide what directories to exclude from scanning.
Your feedback is burned into my brain! But I'm pretty sure you know I can't talk about future releases.
Just so I'm clear, at this point is Kinoma Play finding anything other than your playable media? Or is your concern mostly about the incremental scans on launch (which should just be taking a few seconds)?
-- Charles Wiltgen