Originally Posted by mightymike
Your welcome
I am noticing brutal battery drain as well. I've had my phone off the charger since 11:30am, its 6pm now, im @ 60%... doing NOTHING!
how is everyone else finding their battery?
I just open the back of my Diamond, and there it is!
But seriously folks. I had a full charge at 5:30am. Since then, I've received 15 to 20 e-mails through my Exchange connection, and had about 30 minutes of calls. It's currently 4pm, and I'm sitting at 57% battery.
One thing I have done is drain the battery down entirely to the point that the unit shut itself off. I found that trying to drain the last 10 to 20% of the battery took FOREVER, so I'm going on the theory that the battery/software needed to have a complete cycle to learn how much was left. But really, I'm just making that up.
I'm on the 1.08 ROM.