Thread: Battery Issue
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Old 09-15-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: Battery Issue

Originally Posted by Chimmer View Post
I wonder how many of those people that returned the batteries charged them nightly to see if the battery life improved after a few weeks?

I can confirm that my Centro batteries and also my Treo 800w battery life improved after several weeks. I didn't try to see how many days I could get out of it, I simply put it on the charger each night.

With the Treo 800w, when I first got it, I would pull it off the charger about 06:00am and by the time I got home at 05:00pm it was something like 20% left or so. Now when I get home it's anywhere from 60 to 80% charged. Same amount of usage.
The thrust of my commentary was that I don;t see a rip off of Sprint to ask for a second battery in a store, since in my local store they had in fact had a lot of returns of entire 800 handsets because of the battery, and they are the ones who offered the spares. That seems a much bigger cost than batteries which likely cost Sprint $10 for NIB, or in the case of used Centro batteries probably have a value of $5.

As to your usage and remaining battery I can only state I envy you! I don't see how many days I can get out of a charge, I count the hours.
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