Originally Posted by jmorton10
I had no idea that a new version had come out two days ago, I just happened to stumble across a posting about it & went to the Kinoma site to check it out.
We post update news via our blog and Twitter (just 2-5 tweets/week), and the details for those are in my signature. Otherwise, Kinoma Play will automatically alert you about updates soon after they're available.
Originally Posted by jmorton10
I saw that some of the bugs that certain people (me) where complaining about had reportedly been fixed & others had not.
I know we haven't addressed all of your personal complaints yet, but hopefully it's clear that we are listening. We appreciate your patience.
Originally Posted by jmorton10
I have been playing with the new version of Kinoma for a while now & it is certainly a HUGE improvement from the original. [...] The picture directory now actually contains the pics on my device & none of the 1700 GPS gifs etc that the original version showed as pics. The scanning now seems to exclude scanning from program apps etc so it doesn't take as long.
I'm very glad to hear it. Customers have helped us indentify badly-behaved Windows Mobile apps that are storing application resources outside of application folders, and because of that the scanner is already much smarter.
Let us know how it works when you put your full-length movies back on the card, okay?
-- Charles Wiltgen