Originally Posted by dwizzy130
Huh that's very odd. I just did a hard reset the other day and installed my theme and haven't had this problem...
I'll look into this and upload a fixed cab this week.
Well I found a solution, It seems the icon that came in your theme would not open calculator on my phone, however while looking through cLauncher on my phone I noticed another icon for Calculator. (the same one already in my phone) and when I selected that icon link from inside cLauncher it works fine so I replaced the original one in your theme with the one already on my phone and presto, it works perfectly.
One more question if I may.
Can the icons in the grey background bar at the bottom be changed?? I have not figured out how to do that.
I would like to remove the music icon & place the internet icon there if possible.
Other than that the theme works very nicely. It had a few hicups initially but after a little screen time it has functioned great... you do nice work.