Question on Diamond storage
Coming from a Mogul, I had a 4 gb memory card so I kept all of my extra files, and cloned backups on my 'storage card' which of course is seperate from my main storage where actual programs are installed. This was particularly convenient for me since I could run my SPB Clone software and produce a cloned image of all the installed programs, registry, etc. from my main storage.
With Diamond's internal total of 4 gb memory I wonder if there is some difference similar to the environment I described above. I'm comparing the environment like two hard drives on a computer. One drive where all the programs are installed, tweaks exactly like you want them, etc... and the other drive where I store my files and backups, etc.
Does anyone know if the Diamond storage model is like that? I hope so because, for me, cloning *everything* on a particular drive/partition (whatever you'd call it on a mobile device) is what I prefer to do over a backup where you choose files/folders, etc.
Can anyone shed any light on this for me?