Originally Posted by lixo12
This is a forum. If someone has a question or feels like stating something else they should be able to. All you little babies complaining about threads getting hijacked need to go suck on a bottle. We have a subject and to get info sometimes you gotta ask for info. I just dont really understand why people post negative stuff when they see something they dont feel like reading. I know alot of you "internet gangstas" like to hide behind your CPU. Just keep things calm and collective. If someone has a question just give them some type of respect and guide them. Dont get hostile.
Posting that qualified me as an internet gangster? wtf, that was one hell on an initiation lol. Did I really come off as hostile?? It must have been the gangster tone of my post, good catch.
I made the post in reply to something that was adding absolutely noting to this thread. In fact it was meant to take away from it. I dont have a problem with anyone posting an opinion never said I did. Bottom line I want to see a collection of deals and I'm looking forward to the direction this post is headed. I'd like to see it maintain its momentum and NOT have people become detered from posting a deal because of ah's that jump on people because they feel like it. Have fun with your bottle but I dont think its supposed to go where you have it, but hey to each his own.