Originally Posted by rdm
Perhaps you don't have a Treo 800W? I went from a Mogul to 800W. The Mogul GPS works everywhere and the 800W GPS won't. I called Palm about this. The 800W Standalone GPS was disabled for some reason just prior to release. It isn't disabled on some of the 800Ws, but all of them. They fixed this on the newer Treo Pro, but it still is busted on the 800W.
So these are not "claims." The GPS problem is acknowledged with the 800W. There are multiple complaint threads on the Palm's own support fourms. The GPS is blocked from working if you are not in range of a Sprint land tower. It maybe trivial to some users. But people who purchased it for the standalone GPS, for example people who live in rural areas or travel outside the country, are screwed at this point.
I hope this clarifies matters. This is why the Mogul GPS works better, it is actually aGPS and true standalone GPS.
Thank you! That's what I wanted to know

And yes I have a Treo 800w...but since I always have signal I haven't run into this problem.