Why Complain?
Psssh! Who needs a radio in their phone? Why, they have a radio in their car, in their kitchen, and probably in a desktop clock. Who listens to FM radio anymore anyway when you can just stream safe, non-confrontational, quality media directly to your medulla oblongata via the brain interface crystals left for us by the benevolent lizard people from the Andromeda galaxy.
Or is it that you take a basic feature which on the assembly line probably costs all of 12 cents and have it removed from the phone so that people can burn through their data plan trying to stream content that could ordinarily be had for FREE. It probably cost them more to have the FM receiver removed!
There is ZERO excuse for this sort of crippling. And if we as consumers don't speak out about it, corporations will continue to walk all over us as they drain our pockets of our hard-earned dollars.
Code Name: berry_lthird
Status: Member of the Ohio Cricket Mafia
Quote: "Idiots: Putting the I back in 'team'"
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Next Hijacks: Helping to liberate my MetroPCS bretheren!