Originally Posted by newhtc6700user
Alright thanks for that! I have v. 2.02 on mine. Alright good, I didn't want to leave anything that's important. Since there aren't any necessary options, are there any that you (or anyone) highly recommend? Sorry about all the questions, like I said I'm very new to this (as you can tell. Haha)
Also, I know changing to WM6 voids your warranty, but does that have affect on my insurance coverage? Thanks again.
We just want you to have a successful flash. Although it is difficult to brick the 6700 (e.g. it becomes inoperable), it can be a little scary when things go wrong. As long as PDAPJ has flashed this config with BL2.02, you should be OK. The WM6 doesn't "void" anything as long as you reflash back to WM5 stock b4 you do anything "official". Noone will ever know. LOL.
You should get a standard WM6/6.1 home screen with no options. That's what I run. Again, KISS.