All commands have the same prefix, rt# folowed by one of the suffix below. The structure of each command is:
Generic Commands:
help - Send a list of commands;
ehelp - Same as help, but by e-mail;
cb or callback - Turns the phone application on and call the number p***** as parameter or the command sender number;
go or getowner - Send to you the informations stored in Settings/Owner of your device. Useful if the thief change this;
ego or egetowner - Same as go command, but the answer goes by e-mail;
rst or reset - Softreset device.
eganfl or egetanfilelist - send, by e-mail, a list of all incoming and outgoing calls if you have VITO audio notes installed.
eganf or egetanfile - send, by e-mail all incoming and outgoing calls records if you have VITO audio notes installed.
alarm - Just play a sound to help you find your device when you lost it in your home.
gi or getinfo - Send to you the informations about your phone: IMSI and IMEI. Useful if your device was stolen.
egi or egetinfo - Same as gi command, but the answer goes by e-mail. GPS Commands:
gp or getposition - Try to get GPS coordinates and send back to the number p***** as parameter or the command sender number;
egp or egetposition - Same as gp command, but the answer goes by e-mail;
elt or elogtrack - This command will start GPS, Log the path and send a KMZ file by e-mail. This file can be opened with Google Earth (download here).
findme - Same as GP command, but ask you if you want to answer the command. You can use this command to tell a friend how to find you.
Personal Data Commands:
pb or phonebook - Get all contacts stored in SIM card and send back to you;
epb or ephonebook - Same as pb command, but the answer goes by e-mail;
dkz or delkmz - Delete all KMZ files generated by elt command;
dsc or delsim - Delete all contacts stored in SIM card.
rt#go - Retrieves Owner information and send back to command sender, without password;
rt#epb##123 - Send to pre defined e-mail, all phones stored in SIM card using 123 as password;
rt#gp#98765432 - Send SMS with GPS coordinates to mobile number 98765432, without password; - Send e-mail to with a KMZ file attached with the logged path, using 456 as password;
NOTE: You may need to add an extra # at the end of the command line to make this work -- in some case you'll get an error message or the app won't work without the extra #