This is an absolutely spectacular 3.5AKU. [3.5.8]
I'm going to add in a few things, but it really has most everything I want in a ROM.
I'm trying to decide if I should go back to using PhoneAlarm since it has the scheduling and profiles that I like while using less screen real estate than the multiline O2.
I'll also ad in either AgendaFusion8 or PocketInformant. Haven't decided which yet. I also haven't decided whether to put PocketBreeze back on- O2 has many of the same features with some of the nice features of iLauncher.
The big thing that I need is a decent task manager that will let me actually close programs instead of just minimizing them. This is still an issue (unless O2 does it and I just haven't found the setting) that might require WisBarAdv2 or WisBarLite.