Re: I wanted the Diamond until the Touch HD- much much better IMHO
Okay back on topic, how is the touch HD much much better? Heres my post from elsewhere, just don't want to re-write it all.
"Ok, I lied, this is my last post in this thread. For those of you waiting on the HD, it's the same thing as the Diamond really.. 256 RAM, 528mhz processors which are very similar. The only thing is, is that the HD has a sharper display which seems nice but may not support a lot of applications right now. Aside from anything else, by the time this phone is available for CDMA WinMo 7 will be already out. I plan to use my Diamond for a year, then swap to a WinMo 7 device.
Oh yeah, HD does have the head phone jack if that's really worth waiting a year though."