Originally Posted by havoc911
ALSO I HAVE A SPRINT 6800 BUT DOWNLOADED TITAN CRAZER SOFtWEAR..was this one the correct download???.what are the other mogul users useing the windows 5 or 6?? i didnt see any anything fot htc 6800...
I DLd the version for the Touch, but there's a version for generic Windows Moble 5 & 6, too.
Originally Posted by havoc911
can u give us a crash course how to add custom voice..thanks
Not sure how familiar you are with things, so this may sound too elementary. Bare with me.
First, connect your phone & open Activesync.
Hit Tools & "Explore Pocket PC."
Open "My Windows Moble-Based Device"
Open Program Files
Open amAzeGPS
Open sound_normal
There, before you, are all the sound files. They're .AMR files, playable with Quicktime. If you don't have Quicktime, it's a free download. Just Google it & install it on your PC (NOT your phone, LOL.)
The next thing you'll need is a program that can record your voice as a .wav file. I use Audacity. It's free, too.
The last program you'll need is something to convert the .wav file to a .amr file.
Here's a free one...
Pick out the file you want to replace. 001 is the lady's voice saying "Drive Carefully."
So, copy it from the sound_normal folder to your desktop or another folder. You'll want to save this so that you can revert back to it if you ever want to.
Now, open Audacity & record whatever sound you want... perhaps you saying, "Hurry the heck up, slowpoke!" Save the file as a .wav.
Now, open the AMR converter, then open the .wav file you just created & convert it. Save the converted file to a different folder and name it "001.AMR." Now, copy this new file to the sound_normal folder you have open from Activesync.
When you open amAze and begin navigating, the new sound should play.
For some reason, mine required a soft reset.
Just a note... you can have it play a snippet of a song. Metallica's Fuel is a good option!
Hope this helps!