Can I live with the Diamond or do I NEED the Touch Pro? Keyboard or no Keyboard?
i am stuck. i would love to keep the size of the diamond, but just dont know how well the onscreen keyboard has evolved. i use to have the vouge when it first came out and loved the size. i just started having trouble with the lack of keyboard. i type an avrage of say 100 words a day and just seemed to make to many mistakes without the physical keyboard. i got ride of it about the time TouchPal cam out for the first time.
a couple questions for those vouge/diamond lovers out there.
1. has the onscreen keyboard gotten better with either rom updates from htc or apps like Touchpal?
2. for those who remember the first TouchPal, did it get better or has anything else came out that makes typing easier?
3. can we expect to see anything different (new) with the diamond keyboard?
i dont think the 4 g max will be a problem for me so the only thing i see being a factor is the keyboard.
Thanks, for any help, Cody
PDA's I've owned/used in order... (retentions loves me)... nextel i930, BB 7100i, PPC-6700 (apache), treo 700p, PPC-6700, treo 700wx, PPC-6800 (mogul), PPC-6900 (touch), treo 755p, PPC-6900 (touch), BB 8130 (Pearl),PPC-6800 (mogul), BB 8330 (Curve) Diamond, treo 800w, Touch Pro, BB 8330 (Curve)