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Old 09-10-2008, 10:53 PM
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Re: [09/08/08] JUICY ROM v1.06

Originally Posted by gleng View Post
yeah I read about hijacking other servers but couldn't find any recent info, guessing it's not as easy as it used to be

regarding the ring delay it's probably not possible to fix but when people call me there is a 2-3 ring delay on their end before my phone actually starts ringing. The lights on the diamond flash first but it takes awhile until it actually rings. If i dont pick the phone up within about 3 rings on my end the caller has already been put through to voicemail and i miss the call.

EDIT: yeah i saw that guide before but using wav ringtones is really glitchy on the diamond as reported by another poster on there. It rings for a split second then cuts out, and there is usually still a delay.
Thanks for the help
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