Which is the 'best' rom is a bit like asking who makes the best cars
I ran DHarvey's customisation of the Sprint rom for a while (
ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/dharvey4651/Vista%20ROMs%20V2.7.2%20and%20up/Sprint%20V2.9.6%20%2024MB%20PP.rar , but never managed to shake off evdo connection problems. Deleting the IOTA folder certainly helped though. Also, the Sprint customisations for mail and video are pretty irrelevant to us in NZ.
A couple of weeks ago I switched to the latest Bell Stock Rom (
http://www.htc.com/us/SupportDownloa...cat=2&dl_id=98 ) and then loaded OMJ's Customised version (
ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/OM....01.Custom.exe ) along with the TNZ dial settings CAB. Speed has been great here in Wellington and also on a recent trip to Christchurch. GPS works ok too.