Originally Posted by Juggalo_X
WM7 isnt due till the first quarter of 2009.
touch pro is due in october.
So? What about upgrades? Are you aware that the Apache (6700) was released with WM 5 but is now (unofficially, of course) running 6.1?
Originally Posted by Juggalo_X
your guess is most likely wrong.
Why do you say that? It's entirely possible that HTC learned from the Mogul, and are rolling out a device that has enough memory to run the next version of WM. I could easily see them doing that for the more business-oriented Pro than the more consumer-oriented Diamond.
Originally Posted by Juggalo_X
they didnt include the internal storage so they offer more rom for program installs and personal files. that way if you dont have a storage card the device is still moderately useful for most users usage habits.
You're really stretching here!
I think most Pro users would have the extra $10 to $20 to buy a card!