Thread: free voice gps
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Old 09-10-2008, 04:58 PM
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Re: free voice gps

Originally Posted by roopull View Post
Voice prompts seem to be spot on and easy to hear on my 6800.

I've been using it on every trip in the car since I DL'd it, and it's pretty accurate.

Some issues...

Unlike Live, I can't use it to find contacts. So, if you have a new customer, add them to your contacts, you're going to have to switch between contacts & amAze in order to enter the addy.

It tried to send me the suicide way down a one way street, but quickly recovered when I refused.

The satellite imagery & topo maps don't work... and I'm in a large suburb of Atlanta... a city of 5 million.

My arrow is now an X-Wing fighter with my name under it.

If Live ever comes out with voice prompts, this and Google Maps are toast, though.
agree with everything you posted! I still want to change my arrow to something cooler... is it possible to make it smaller as well? that arrow is HUGE! lol
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