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Old 09-10-2008, 12:07 PM
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Re: cant download internet images

Using a registry editor, navigate to: HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folder
You will see keys for Cache, Cookies, and History. The default locations (on WM6.1) are:

You can edit the keys and change those to \Storage Card\*folder name here*

This moves the temp folder locations to the storage card. Restart the device and open PIE. PIE may crash or freeze up, and it may just work, I've experienced both. Doesn't matter either way because we just want to "unlock" the files in the original temp folders.

Close the browser and go to the original locations of the temp folders (\Windows\Profile\Guest).

Delete all three of them and then change the registry back (or not if you want to use the storage card as your temp folder location. I haven't had good luck with that though).

Restart the device and when you go to your image you should now be able to save it.

Like I said man, I have been through the EXACT same thing and could not fix it until I did this. It has happened to me two times now, and this fixed it both times.
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