Originally Posted by munsterrr
MAKE SURE THEY SWITCH YOUR ACCOUNT BACK TO THE OLD ONE!!! i just got through a 2 day battle with my local corporate office and customer service. i returned the Touch i had 20 days after purchasing it so i could get the diamond and when i went to pre-order the Diamond through EVP they said i wasnt eligable until like 2 years from now or something. I almost killed the woman that i returned the phone to(if she wasnt so hot).
but seriosly make sure every thing goes back
It was your rebate eligibilty that got reset because you upgraded your phone. Anytime an upgrade is done, the system automatically resets the eligibility date to 22 months from the date of purchase. It's rare to have a customer return an upgrade and ask to have the eligibility reset so they upgrade to different device that's going to be released at a later date, just doesn't happen that often.
And why are so many of you stating that you will go buy a Diamond only to return it when the Pro comes out. By doing this you deplete inventory and cause extra work for alot of people. Why??? Because you can???? Because you don't care about you carrier and feel your owed something because you pay them for the service???? If you WANT a Diamond go buy one....if your not sure if it's the Diamond or the Pro, then wait till they both come out, go to the store and look at both and then make a decision to buy based on what you like best.