Re: Test New WAP Site Allows for mobile downloads!
Hey Mindfrost, I just spent 45 minutes to simply:
1) start browsing the site from my xv6800 (mobile is already default so that's nice and easy)
2) see that I need to add a screen shot to a post (sure,no prob, right)
3) from that post click default view link
4) re-locate that thread (in default veiw this is painfully slow and bulky from my phone in pie)
5) go through the normal upload stuff
6) ok that's done, now to get back to the mobile view, I try the dropdown list at the bottom of the page... No Go! it doesn't load the page, perhaps a go button next to it would help?
7) I finaly head over to this thread to find the link in the OP to get the mobile view back
I know that "most" people use a "computer" to access the site, but hey we are PPCGEEKS here right?
I visit the site more than 90% from my xv6800 and I know lots of people do to, could you take another look at the mobile view to make device browsing more full featured and yet more conveinient?
Perhaps try browsing the site from your phone only for a week,it's not that tough, but it could be more polished.
Thanks for all you do, and if no changes get made, this is still the best damn site out there!
p.s. still no sigs from mobile posts.