Thread: free voice gps
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:29 PM
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Re: free voice gps

Originally Posted by roopull View Post
Working GREAT!

There's an option under devices for "Window Moble X.X" Select which version of Windows Mobile you have & download THAT cab. You must prime the GPS... by that, I mean get another program to find the Satellites, first. Any one of other little freebie GPS programs should work. I used Google Maps, myself.

This is great... This may well replace Google Maps and/or Live.

THANK YOU for posting!

Oh... after goofing around with it for a few minutes, I discovered you can change the little arrows on the map. Copy the 3DArrow.png file from \programfiles\amAzeGPS\onmap to your desktop, alter it (I'm using a photo of my car,) but keep the same dimensions. Then, re-save it BACK to the \programfiles\amAzeGPS\onmap folder. When you start the program back up, the image you created will be there instead of the blue arrow. Too cool.
now THAT is tight! nice find.... how accurate are the voice prompts etc?
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