Originally Posted by luv2chill
The onscreen keyboard glitch is anoying.
Are there more details about this somewhere else? If not, please be very specific as to what you're talking about.
Well about two posts up, but I will give more details.
My device falls under an exchange password lock pollicy that requires more than 4 digits in a pin.
This causes the standard alfa numeric lock screen to come up which is just a text field, requiring the keyboard or onscreen keyboard to be used.
The system always defaults to the standard keyboard after a soft reset, and sometimes I leave it on that keyboad after using it.
However since I must unlock my device often I prefer to enable the T9/Phone on screen keyboard in numeric mode because I can use my thumb to unlock my device with it.
I have found that in this rom I am unable to switch on screen keyboards while the lock screen is activated, where this was possible on the standard OEM 2.X ROM.
I have also noticed a larger than usual number (3 times in the last 12 hrs) of "Error Code : 37 Miscellaneous Erroneously Mobile IP Set Up Occurred" errors. Which now display as notifications instead of popups which is nice. These errors often seem to happen when switching from USB ActiveSync back to EVDO. It is mostly a useless error since EVDO seems to function regardless.
Hmm after switching to other on screen input modes it seems to work now.. Maybe it is only an issue right after a soft reset...