Originally Posted by romeroom
PDAPhoneJunkie, I tried the Ifonz and it became very slow. I have a basic xv6700..Nothing cooking the the kitchen. What is the advantage of using a skin, vs an application? Is your skin customizable? Sorry for these noob questions. $10 is worth it if it won't affect my already slow xv6700.
Hi, yes ifonz is a very RAM consuming. I tried it for three days just to try it. it would freeze up and then some of the icons wouldn't show. What's the advantage of a skin? The iPhone Taskbar is open in every applicaiton. My skin uses WisBar Advanced/Desktop skin apps which are wonderfuly stable. I have nothing against iFonz at all I just personally don't like it. I'm coming out with an new version this week with one more page of programs/icons. I offer free upgrades as well. Peace.