after figuring out just how hard this board rocks from the responses to my first post i've got a bit more of a challenge this time...
ok I would like a call filtering program but not just any call filtering it would be cool if i could find one with these features...
im looking for a program or a set of programs (as maybe one program has some or a few but another might have it) to accomplish all of these things but
the features are split into needed, wanted, and optional based on how hard I think it would be to do a certain feature and how much i want it and completely optional for stuff I feel is either totally outrageous or i would like but am just suggesting more because i feel like it would be a good feature than because i need or want it
(its just my feeling based on what i know about the system. i could be wrong):
ok the program would harbor a list of contacts
whose calls would go to voicemail without the phone ringing (preferably without any notification period)
texts messages from a contact on the list would not prompt notifications
there would be profiles that way you could pick different sets of people/ numbers to filter
the app would be password protected and not really indicated what it does unless the password is inputted
text messages would be caught and held until they are released into the full mailbox by accessing the program and releasing them
chose to hide certain contacts in your contact list
the program would go through and find any text messages that person had sent you and hide them until release
completely optional
be able to set times for different profiles to be activated
the program would go through and find all call history with a person or number and hide them until release
and don't forget im a broke college student so it would be great if it was freeware but honestly if i could find something that would do all of these things I would save to pay up to about $30 for it
i found 2 (non- freeware
) apps that have a few of the features i am looking for as reference
Call SMS Blocker
edit: oops and i forgot to mention my system wm5 sprint ppc6700 (htc apache)