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Old 09-08-2008, 04:15 PM
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Re: My phone has gone too far, I have to reflash and start from new...


This thread right here seems to be the most relevant to flashing a mogul to cricket. That rom IS specifically built for cricket. Though you have to request a key from to0. Which I dont understand. He builds it off dcd's roms which is freely distributed and makes people jump through hoops to get his. ??

The arcsoft program you are talking about is an mms program. Thing is, is that from sprint moguls do not really have any easy way to send mms messages (picture messages). Due to the fact that it was disabled on ppc's by sprint. However verizon and other phone companies still have an integrated way to mms.

MMS thru sprint.
Has to be sent thru and received thru their picture mail site.

MMS on other carriers.
messages are sent and received right through the handset.

Now since cricket doesnt and probably never will have ppc's in there line up. It looks like arcsoft is added to support mms messages similar to work arounds used by sprint users.
Sprint users also use arcsoft or other mms programs like sMMS, and nueMMS to avoid the hassle of using the picture mail site. Though those programs usually still use the picture mail site its alot more convenient to use.

to0's rom is a build from dcd's rom. dcd is a well know rom builder that sets up his roms to work with all carriers due to his setup. All his roms are carrier generic meaning that it can be used on all carriers. Then after the rom loads you have to install the correct carrier cab for your service.
This is what I was gonna recommend to you at first but he didnt have the carrier cabs loaded in the ftp. That and Im not completely sure on the whole process since Im on sprint.

From what I understand these are the directions.

Flash the newest sprint rom. Currently 3.56, with radio 3.42. This rom is wm6.1 and has gps which you should already have.
After the rom loads for the first time. DO NOT install customizations. This is what makes a sprint phone a sprint phone. YOU HAVE TO RESET BEFORE THIS HAPPENS or its a mess. AS the today screen loads get your stylus ready to soft reset. When the today screen load you will see a box come up Running Customizations in 3 seconds...Soft reset before this happens. It wont count down from 3 like it used to but it still will happen in 3 seconds.

Now Im not completely sure about this but you might be able to install dcd's carrier cab for cricket at this time. And your all set. The carrier cab basically installs the stuff you need just as if the customizations happened. In to0's cricket rom the customizations that run prepare phone for cricket and not sprint.

After those steps if you wanted a custom rom. Which have less junk on them and are generally faster the official roms.

Install nueSPL 2.47. This unlocks the phone to accept custom roms.

Flash dcd's latest rom.

Install dcd's carrier cab.

Then you probably have to install arcsoft mms or a similar program. They should be available easily on here or a google search might be easier to find.

I still cant find dcd's carrier cabs. Seems they are still not up. Is all Im seeing in his links is an Alltel carrier cab. Apparently there was a problem with a couple of them not working properly so he might have taken them all down and is uploading them as they are done.

Here is the link for dcd's newest rom.

and the link for nueSPL. Just make sure you download nueSPL not nueSPL relocker. It is an exe file it run directly on the ppc.

Another option that has cricket customizations is the ppckitchen. Available here.
Go to the manual downloads tab and download BuildOS.msi. This will install the ppckitchen on your pc. This maybe a little more advanced than you are ready for but is really easy.
Simple instructions.
Install ppckitchen.
Load it up. It might have to update before it loads. Let it do what it says.
In the top bar there is a carriers pull down menu. Choose cricket.
Pick the programs you want to be built into your rom. From here you probably should choose arcoft or a similar mms program.
Also choose your splash screens that you want.

Start small until you get familiar with it.

When you are all done press the play button in the top left and it will do the rest.

With this method you will have to still install the latest sprint rom. Make sure you DONT INSTALL CUSTOMIZATIONS. Then unlock with nueSPL 2.47.
After the ppckitchen does it stuff your phone should work the way you want (in theory).

But just a little something to calm you down. It is extremely hard to brick a mogul. The SPL's used (olipro 2.40 and nueSPL 2.47 for the newer roms) are pretty much not only a way to unlock and load custom roms but from what I understand it almost protect the phone from really getting messed up.
So I would say the most important thing you can get out of this post to make it easier for you is DONT RUN SPRINT CUSTOMIZATIONS.

The sprint rom is needed to upgrade a couple of things on the phone prior to unlocking and loading up custom roms. That is why you are loading a sprint rom first.

Hope this helps. And Ill try to help you as much as possible but it really is an easy process and I think some of us forget what its like to be a noob. Ive been around for a while ever since the AKU 3.5 kitchen rom days for my apache.

Also there is alot of useless or contradicting info in threads. But usually if you continue reading the thread the statement will be disproved or changed. So like I was saying read, read, read. lol

Yah I know it sucks cuz I hate reading too but when it comes to a $300 piece of electronics you dont want it to become a $300 paper weight.

Also xda-developers has a wiki site for the titan that might help you out with some of the terminology that is used.
Here that is.

Good Luck.

Check your pm too.

Last edited by reeg420; 09-08-2008 at 05:20 PM.
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