Re: My phone has gone too far, I have to reflash and start from new...
Originally Posted by reeg420
read this.
was searching and heard on I think xda that there is a forum for cricket user with ppc's on howardforums. Thats where I found this. But its pretty much like I suspected.
I read it a little to see if it was something that would help you and it looked like it was on the right path. Theres 12 pages so it should get you your answers.
Good luck and its not nice to get mad at people trying to help you out. Nobody is gonna hold your hand in doing this. You just gotta read. Like myself and many others have done. If you dont understand a work or abreviation just google it.
Heres a few other threads that might interest you also.
to0's titan cricket rom. Just be sure you are VERY clear on the instructions before you do this.
The cricket pda forum on howard forums. Has 3 pages of info with all types of phones for use with cricket service.
XV6800 HAS 1. HKLM/Software/Arcsoft
SPRINT 6800 doesn't