Originally Posted by sedwo
I don't want it to initiate a connection unless I give it one. And that is by giving it WiFi or manually turning ON the cell data connection.
Otherwise, it shouldn't be doing things behind my back that I don't want it. What's the point then of having the feature to turn OFF the cell Data Connection, if it's going to just turn it ON all by itself again.
NO means NO.
again i quote you
Umm... It seems that when I go to the weather tab and select update, it automatically turns ON my 'Data Connection'.
when you click update it connects its doing exactly what its designed to do. don't click update. and it wont connect. if you have a wifi connection it will use that instead if you have an activesync connection it will attempt to use that to update but if you have neither it will ALWAYS dial you data plan if you select update.
you can always set your data plan to disconnect after 1min of inactivity anyways.
and lastly. my weather tab NEVER connects to update unless its updating like its scheduled to do once a day or i click update.
the only way to stop this auto connect is to tell it to not update automatically under settings. with the amount of data it actually pushes and pulls (mere bytes) its not a big deal. also your not charged for dormant data connections only when an xfer of data is made.