Originally Posted by chappy
The cap is only for PAM or Data card users. There's no cap on actual phone usage.
So unless you were paying for Phone as Modem or have a Data card, no, you can't get out ETF free. Even if you did have a data card, you could only cancel the data card line ETF free, not the phone.
Ohh I see. For some reason I thought you can exit your Sprint contract by mentioning this. Isn't tethering considered part of the 5gb cap? I remember reading a thread about this but I couldn't find it. Well, does anyone know any leverages we can pull in convincing Sprint to give us more than 75 doolars towards the Diamond upgrade? i know if you threaten to quit will give you a slim chance.. but i hate to say i wanna quit on my 30 SERO. What if they say" Ok.. you canceled." LOL! I would sh8t my pants... LOL>?
Also... can we Touch users use the picture mail excuse. Since we cant use picture mail on this and the hack stopped working altogether