Originally Posted by schettj
On the PPC it works spiffy with tcpmp via the EVDO network. You'll want an unlimited data plan, for sure, as this can burn man GB of data use in a very short time.
A word to Verizon customers if you didn't already know:
Verizon's unlimited data plan means you after a couple of gigs worth of data in a month your account will be flagged. If you manage to eat through 5 gigs of data with in a month Verizon will cancel your contract and possibly make you pay the early termination fee!
So if you are on Verizon and use or want to use Orb, I'd highly recommend installing a data monitor program such as SPB's GPRS monitor or PhoneAlarm.
Now if my frigg'n PC would just recognize my MPEG2 decoders so I can actually use my TV tuner....