Originally Posted by cutz
thank you for the info... I've also used NFSFAN's ROM before for
tethering, but what I've found strange is that it does NOT produce
ANY entries (not even "Mobile Browser") in the usage detail in my bill..
I found this suspicious... if tethering goes unnoticeable, it should give the entries of the "Mobile Browser" type.. should not it?
I've not received any extra charges so far, though...
Nevertheless, I'm curious to try that "internet sharing" with new Bell ROM..
(which does not have "internet sharing " installed,
instead it contains something called "wireless modem"...
I wonder whether one can install that "Internet sharing" via cab?
P.S. It seems to me that (at least currently) NFSFAN's ROM is NOT based on new Bell's rom 3.09, but on something older?