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Old 09-04-2008, 03:04 PM
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Unhappy Re: Official Telus Diamond Thread

Originally Posted by tobeychris View Post
GPS Registry Settings
As we learn more about this device, ghetto noticed that the SUPL GPS settings were missing. I've compiled a CAB of these registry settings, here.

gpsOne Settings
This process is a bit more involved, as of yet we have seen no improvement on the aGPS, but it will hopefully be coming soon. As for the process:

1. Connect your Diamond to your computer with the usb cable. This is also an excellent time to back up anything, just in case.

2. We need to put the phone in diagnostic mode. This is done by running dmrouter.exe by dialing ##DIAG Send (##3424 Send).

3. Let windows install your new hardware. There will be two dialogs that come up. The first one should install after you click next. The next will require a file called qcmdmxp.sys and says it can't be found. As luck has it, your computer already has this file, and it's located here:
Simply tell the wizard to look there, and it will show the file, click on it, and the installation will finish.

4. Install QPST if you haven't already.

5. Run the Service Programming program under the QPST start menu.

6. Double click on the little globe at the bottom right of your screen.

7. Click on Add New Port, and add COM# - USB/QC DIAGNOSTIC.
It should now show your Com Port and your phone WinCE (########)

8. Close the QPST Configuration window, and go back to the QPST Service Programming window.

9. The ######## from step 7, which is the same number in the ESN column, is your ESN! (in hex format). If you have your SPC already, keep going. Otherwise, scroll down and read the SPC section.

10. Click on your phone, and then click OK.

11. It might now ask you to choose your base model. I've found that scrolling to the bottom of the list and choosing SURF6100-ZRF6155 works well. If this isn't in your list, go with trial and error, starting from the bottom, then click OK.

11. Click on Read From Phone and then enter your SPC and click OK.

11. Goto the gpsOne tab (you'll have to scroll to the right) and enter these details:
Allowed = checked
Assistanc-Spherical = checked
PDE IP Address =
PDE Port Number = 7788
PDE Transport = IP
Position Calculation = PDE
12. Click Write To Phone


14. Test your GPS.

Hi guys,

I got my Touch Diamond from Telus, and now I am trying to go thru the steps to make the GPS actually work (not with the sad Telus sw but with GglMaps or anything showing a satellite view)

I strated with the steps here and downloaded all the progs. I couldnt find the qcmdmxp.sys in my system (although I have XP installed ) but Juggalo_X was kind enough to send me a link to some drivers for Win2k (worked for him). Now I am blocked at step 3, when I try to install those drivers (.inf and .sys files) I go to the "add hardware" thingy and select the drivers myself. There's the problem, I select the .inf files and when it takes me back to the "add hardware" there is nothing displayed in the dreaded box. So it seems I cant install those.

Is it because they're not made for XP?? Is it a step I do wrong??

Another thing, dont know if its because I dont have the Quallcomm drivers installed but in QPST I cant see my phone (tried it anyway when I couldnt install the drivers)

Thank you for all your help guys, this would be greatly appreciated since I wouldnt be forced to carry that GPS around + my phone
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