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Old 09-04-2008, 08:32 AM
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Re: Got phone as modem to work

I had a HTC Mogul for 3 weeks. WM 6.0 and internet sharing working with a simply everything plan for $99. Download speed was average 1100kbps!! That's faster than my home DSL!

However the mogul being a piece of crap (freeze ups, slide keyboard, crap phone application) I took it back and got the 800w.

That night I was on the phone w/sprint for two hours arguing. Phone as modem will not work with WM 6.1! Sprint tells me it's a "glitch" in thier system and they will have it fixed soon. I persisted in claiming they sold me a phone they cannot support. The only way they they could make it work was put me on a straight minute plan (900 max), a $35 data plan, AND a $15 unlimited text plan. Prob is I have two other phones that shared minutes, one has unlimited text also. I cannot share minutes with my plan now. Had to get a seperate plan for the other two phones. Smallest plan is 700 minutes shared, plus $15 unlimited txt on one of them. monthly bill just about doubled so I can use phone as modem!! If you are claiming I can edit this registry and go back to my old plan then I'm on it! Normally I would not be concerned about phone as modem so much as it would be occasional use at best. However with my DSL lines being out for another two weeks I use it all night long - usually stays on after I fall asleep (oops)! Also while the mogul logged in at 1100kbps this 800w only seems to get 750kbps at best - even using wi-fi at starbucks it's pretty slow. My home DSL is only 750kbps so whatever I guess, just thought I would mention the speed difference between the phones.

To summarize: I can do a registry edit on my 800w and then use phone as modem on a simply everything plan right? If that's the case then please advise on registry editors as I'm a complete PPC virgin! Worst case is a true hard reset puts the phone back to "out of the box" state right?

Last edited by bgtrkchuck; 09-04-2008 at 08:34 AM.
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