Originally Posted by evilvoice
On another note, I notice that in a lot of the OEMs there are a couple of files with extensions cereg that when looked at through a text editor is basically the same thing as whats in the rgu...are these files needed? And are you using a different OEM creator?
Those are files that are left in and can be deleted. Same OEM Creator, just taking the OEM process one step further. This is needed for some of the more difficult OEM's, I suppose it's just a practice I've learned and now apply it to most all my OEM's now...
Originally Posted by evilvoice
Also, Seven Mobile Email: I know Sprint has teamed with Seven again to release Sprint Mobile Email Work. Is there a way to get this package for our phones or does the current OEM do this? A friend of mine cant get his work email through the current setup, but he could when he had an Instinct...his work claims that it only works on Blackberry devices...so I dont know, but it is an exchange server.
Edit: Can you also make an OEM for sipchange, I tried using the one from the ppcgeeks oem, but it doesnt load.
Sprint will be discontinuing sprint mail at the end of this year. If you come up with a .cab of the new program, post a link and I'll try to OEM it.
And the functionalities of sipchange are built into wm6.1. You just need to set the defauilt keyboard in your rom.
Speaking of keyboards, here is a replacement
Diamond Keyboard by gullum at xda's. The one I had posted previously, you couldn't see the letters on the qwerty keyboard, and this one seems a little zippier. So I thought I would share, the keys can be customized with photoshop, enjoy all! If you photoshop it, SHARE!
OEM_Diamond_Keyboard_gullum................Diamond Skinned Keyboards (keyboard, keypad, qwerty) w/english layout