I read thru the 2 threads at xda a few time after trying this for a coupledays and did not see muc of a difference in my real life experience/typical daily usage. I am leaning toward a comment someone made in the thread u posted, that the problem is a threshold issue managed by WM. For example, if I open three programs right after reboot and get the memory to drop down to 16MB, then it seems that WM wants to close programs to maintain that level of free RAM.
If I open 10 programs that drop memory to 8MB it will do the same.
Changing the registry value for the memory threshold doesn't seem to make a difference. Which means there must be another or a few more reg. values that need changing. The posted values do seem to help keep things open a bit longer, just not a complete fix.
Maybe No2 can look into it some more? Maybe it isn't an issue with his upcoming build?
I hope it isn't !
Originally Posted by cerchiarax
It seems that windows mobile automatically starts closing programs. This problem has been annoying in a lot of the newer 6.1 roms. Been looking for a answer for a while. And found the below info over in xda. Works great in Pre 8. I can finally open navizon, internet explorer, iguidance and xmradio in the same time once again. Without worrying one of them would autoclose on me.
"HKCU\Software\HTC\TaskManager" key
then created a binary-dword for "Autokill" with Decimal value "0"
then created a binary-dword for "MemoryThreshold" with Decimal value of "943718"
I have rebooted my phone several times and have not had any close issues.